Monday, August 3, 2009

What are some cool html tags I can use for my website?

Like the html tags, like %26lt;b%26gt;, what are some cool ones. Tell me what they do.

What are some cool html tags I can use for my website? has the complete list.
Reply:well as you said theres:

%26lt;b%26gt; word %26lt;/b%26gt; which make the word bold

%26lt;i%26gt; word%26lt;/b%26gt; =italics

%26lt;u%26gt; word %26lt;/u%26gt; =underline

%26lt;strike%26gt;word%26lt;/strike%26gt; = strike out

to change the font colour:

%26lt;font color="colour or colour code"%26gt;blah blah blah%26lt;/font%26gt;

replace colour or colour code with either a colour [e.g. red,green,blue,grey etc..] or a colour code [heres a list of the colour codes e.g. white is FFFFFF so replace colour or colour code with FFFFFF and the text will be white]


%26lt;font size="number"%26gt;blah blah blah%26lt;/font%26gt;

replace number with a number [e.g. 1, 7, 12, .2, .5]

to make a link

%26lt;a href="WEBSITE IN HERE"%26gt;Your Word%26lt;/a%26gt;

the above will make "your word" link to a site

to put an image on a page

%26lt;img src="IMAGE LINK"%26gt;

simply but in a link to an image and it will come up

[to adjust the height and width of the image add height="number" width="number" in e.g. %26lt;img src="IMAGE LINK" width="122" height="554%26gt;

you can do a marquee [scrolling text]

%26lt;marquee%26gt;TEXT IN HERE%26lt;/marquee%26gt;

that makes the text "text in here" scroll

%26lt;marquee bgcolor="colour or colour code"%26gt;TEXT IN HERE%26lt;/marquee%26gt;

when you put in a colour or colour code it will make the background of the text that colour

%26lt;body bgcolor="colour or colour code"%26gt;

when a colour or colour code is placed in the above the whole website background become that colour

to use an image as a background

%26lt;body background="IMAGE LINK"%26gt;


%26lt;br%26gt; = break [new line]

%26lt;hr%26gt; = a seperating line


%26lt;a href=""%26gt;%26lt;img src=" BLAH BLAH!!!%26lt;/b%26gt;%26lt;/u%26gt;%26lt;/i%26gt;%26lt;/strike%26gt;%26lt;/a%26gt;%26lt;br%26gt;%26lt;br%26gt;... color="red"%26gt;BLAH BLAH 2!!!%26lt;br%26gt;%26lt;hr%26gt;

the above make the words "BLAH BLAH BLAH!!!"[which have been made BOLD,Underlines,Italics,Striked out] and the image at "" link to "" then a break [like below]

The the text"BLAH BLAH BLAH 2!!!" appear without being linked to a site or being bold etc....but with a font colour that is red then the hr make a line appear [a straigh line unlike below but it will give you an idea of where it would be]


that is some basic HTML to learn more there are some great tutorials on the following site

Hope This Helps

Reply:If you want to do the cool stuff, use CSS.

The %26lt;b%26gt; tag as well as many others are being phased out. All formating should be done via CSS.
Reply:go to, it has everything
Reply:i would search for "CSS text formatting"

look at the magazine style side panel text on my business website, it's a good example of a very simple thing to do with CSS.

makeup tips

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