Monday, August 3, 2009

Is there a natural way to get rid of skin tags?

I have a ugly skin tag on my neck... are there any natural ways to get rid of it? Do they actually work?

Is there a natural way to get rid of skin tags?
Tie a hread around it tightly and let it dry up and drop off. It worked for me and that is how my grannie did them 100 years ago.
Reply:cut them off yourself
Reply:I can't possibly recommend this, but my really small one beneath my eye irritated me just by being there. I played with it a bit too much, ruptured the side (so it bled a tiny bit) and over the course of a couple of weeks it fell off. Yours might be bigger, though, and I don't know if you should.
Reply:Ignore it. It makes you an individual.
Reply:Try a search on "skin tag removal" at
Reply:If you by chance have access to liquid nitrogen or dry ice, one or two freezing applications will cause them to fall off. Another way is to heat up a razor blade on the stove, and cut them off that way. The heat cauderizes the wound. More painful tho.

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